Loving Pablo (2017)
Watch Loving Pablo - 2017 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
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Streaming Loving Pablo (2017) full movie online HD free.
The Loving Pablo was the movie in that's directed by Fernando León de Aranoa
This movie was released on 15 June 2018 in the theater.
The Loving Pablo movie starred by Javier Bardem, Penélope Cruz, Peter Sarsgaard
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch Loving Pablo (2017). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full Loving Pablo movie in good quality online.
Loving Pablo Detail / Info
Genre : Biography , Crime , Drama
Duration : 123 min
Release Date : 15 June 2018
Rating : 6.3
Writer : Fernando León de Aranoa, Virginia Vallejo (book)
Director : Fernando León de Aranoa
Company : Escobar Films,B2Y Productions
Movie Casts : Javier Bardem as Pablo Escobar, Penélope Cruz as Virginia Vallejo, Peter Sarsgaard as Shepard, Julieth Restrepo as Maria Victoria Henao, Óscar Jaenada as Santoro
The Synopsis / Storyline of Loving Pablo
In 1981, Virginia Vallejo is a famous Colombia's journalist and TV news anchorwoman who is invited to a VIPs party in the ranch of Pablo Escobar, a low-born man who gained money and power with drug trafficking together his friends, turning them in the new generation of rich men of the country. Seduced by his charisma, Virginia starts a passionate love affair with Escobar despite he's a family man married with María Victoria. Along the 80's years, Escobar becomes famous in his try to better the life of the low-born people of Medellín (Colombia's capital) and raising a politician carrier in the Colombia's congress, but Virginia starts to understand Escobar's real power controlling an empire of crime in Colombia and spreading his drug by all USA. It causes that the DEA's agent Shepard interests by his business and by Virginia, contacting her looking for a way to stop him. With the President Belisario Betancur allying with USA to stop Escobar and extradite him to judge outside Colombia, ...
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Stream Loving Pablo full movie free in good quality without download online.
Streaming Loving Pablo (2017) full movie online HD free.
The Loving Pablo was the movie in that's directed by Fernando León de Aranoa
This movie was released on 15 June 2018 in the theater.
The Loving Pablo movie starred by Javier Bardem, Penélope Cruz, Peter Sarsgaard
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch Loving Pablo (2017). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full Loving Pablo movie in good quality online.
Loving Pablo Detail / Info
Genre : Biography , Crime , Drama
Duration : 123 min
Release Date : 15 June 2018
Rating : 6.3
Writer : Fernando León de Aranoa, Virginia Vallejo (book)
Director : Fernando León de Aranoa
Company : Escobar Films,B2Y Productions
Movie Casts : Javier Bardem as Pablo Escobar, Penélope Cruz as Virginia Vallejo, Peter Sarsgaard as Shepard, Julieth Restrepo as Maria Victoria Henao, Óscar Jaenada as Santoro
The Synopsis / Storyline of Loving Pablo
In 1981, Virginia Vallejo is a famous Colombia's journalist and TV news anchorwoman who is invited to a VIPs party in the ranch of Pablo Escobar, a low-born man who gained money and power with drug trafficking together his friends, turning them in the new generation of rich men of the country. Seduced by his charisma, Virginia starts a passionate love affair with Escobar despite he's a family man married with María Victoria. Along the 80's years, Escobar becomes famous in his try to better the life of the low-born people of Medellín (Colombia's capital) and raising a politician carrier in the Colombia's congress, but Virginia starts to understand Escobar's real power controlling an empire of crime in Colombia and spreading his drug by all USA. It causes that the DEA's agent Shepard interests by his business and by Virginia, contacting her looking for a way to stop him. With the President Belisario Betancur allying with USA to stop Escobar and extradite him to judge outside Colombia, ...
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