Blood Fest (2018)
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Streaming Blood Fest (2018) full movie online HD free.
The Blood Fest was the movie in that's directed by Owen Egerton
This movie was released on in the theater.
The Blood Fest movie starred by Zachary Levi, Robbie Kay, Seychelle Gabriel
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch Blood Fest (2018). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full Blood Fest (2018) movie in good quality online.
Blood Fest Detail / Info
Genre : Comedy, Horror
Duration : 92 min
Release Date : 31 August 2018 (USA)
Rating : 6.3
Writer : Owen Egerton
Director : Owen Egerton
Company : Rooster Teeth Productions
Movie Casts : Zachary Levi, Robbie Kay as Dax, Seychelle Gabriel as Sam, Tate Donovan as Dr. Conway, Olivia Grace Applegate as Rain, Jacob Batalon as Krill, Isla Cervelli as Vampire, Barbara Dunkelman as Ashley.
The Synopsis / Storyline of Blood Fest
Fans flock to a festival celebrating the most iconic horror movies, only to discover that the charismatic showman behind the event has a diabolical agenda. As festival attendees start dying off, three teenagers - more schooled in horror-film cliches than practical knowledge about neutralizing psycho killers - must band together and battle through various madmen and monstrosities to survive.
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Stream Blood Fest full movie free in good quality without download online.
Streaming Blood Fest (2018) full movie online HD free.
The Blood Fest was the movie in that's directed by Owen Egerton
This movie was released on in the theater.
The Blood Fest movie starred by Zachary Levi, Robbie Kay, Seychelle Gabriel
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch Blood Fest (2018). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full Blood Fest (2018) movie in good quality online.
Blood Fest Detail / Info
Genre : Comedy, Horror
Duration : 92 min
Release Date : 31 August 2018 (USA)
Rating : 6.3
Writer : Owen Egerton
Director : Owen Egerton
Company : Rooster Teeth Productions
Movie Casts : Zachary Levi, Robbie Kay as Dax, Seychelle Gabriel as Sam, Tate Donovan as Dr. Conway, Olivia Grace Applegate as Rain, Jacob Batalon as Krill, Isla Cervelli as Vampire, Barbara Dunkelman as Ashley.
The Synopsis / Storyline of Blood Fest
Fans flock to a festival celebrating the most iconic horror movies, only to discover that the charismatic showman behind the event has a diabolical agenda. As festival attendees start dying off, three teenagers - more schooled in horror-film cliches than practical knowledge about neutralizing psycho killers - must band together and battle through various madmen and monstrosities to survive.
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