Journey's End (2017)

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The Journey's End was the movie in that's directed by .

This Drama movie was released on 2 February 2018 in the theater.

The Journey's End movie starred by Sam Claflin as Captain Stanhope and also Asa Butterfield as Raleigh.

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Journey's End (2017)
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Journey's End Detail / Info
Genre : Drama, War
Duration : 108 min
Release Date : 2 February 2018
Rating : 7.3
Writer : Simon Reade
Director : Saul Dibb
Company : Fluidity Films
Movie Casts :
Sam Claflin as Captain Stanhope, Asa Butterfield as Raleigh,Paul Bettany as Osborne, Tom Sturridge as Hibbert, Toby Jones as Mason, Stephen Graham as Trotter
The Synopsis / Storyline of Journey's End
Set in a dugout in Aisne in 1918, a group of British officers, led by the mentally disintegrating young officer Stanhope, variously await their fate.

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