The Beguiled (2017)

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Streaming The Beguiled (2017) full movie online HD free.

The The Beguiled was the movie in that's directed by Sofia Coppola.

This Drama movie was released on 30 June 2017 in the theater.

The The Beguiled movie starred by Colin Farrell as John McBurney and also Nicole Kidman as Martha Farnsworth.

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The Beguiled (2017)
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The Beguiled Detail / Info

Genre : Drama, Western
Duration : 91 min
Release Date : 30 June 2017
Rating : 7.6
Writer : Thomas Cullinan
Director : Sofia Coppola
Company : American Zoetrope
Movie Casts :
Colin Farrell as John McBurney, Nicole Kidman as Martha Farnsworth,Kirsten Dunst as Edwina Dabney, Elle Fanning as Alicia, Angourie Rice as Jane, Oona Laurence as Amy

The Synopsis / Storyline of The Beguiled

During the Civil War, at a Southern girls̢۪ boarding school, young women take in an injured enemy soldier. As they provide refuge and tend to his wounds, the house is taken over with sexual tension and dangerous rivalries, and taboos are broken in an unexpected turn of events.

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