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Schneider vs. Bax (2015)

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The Schneider vs. Bax was the movie in 2015 that's directed by Alex van Warmerdam.

This Comedy movie was released on 28 May 2015 in the theater.

The Schneider vs. Bax movie starred by Tom Dewispelaere as Schneider and also Maria Kraakman as .

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Schneider vs. Bax (2015) free movies online
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Schneider vs. Bax 2015 Detail / Info

Genre : Comedy, Thriller
Duration : 94 min
Release Date : 28 May 2015
Rating : 7.5
Writer : Alex van Warmerdam
Director : Alex van Warmerdam
Company : Czar
Movie Casts :
Tom Dewispelaere as Schneider, Maria Kraakman as ,Alex van Warmerdam as , Pierre Bokma as , Annet Malherbe as , Eugene Bervoets as

The Synopsis / Storyline of Schneider vs. Bax

Schneider, a hit-man, is given a task: before the night has passed he must kill the writer Ramon Bax. It seems to be an easy task....

Schneider, a hit man, gets a call from Mertens on the morning of his birthday. He has a rush job for Schneider who refuses it, because it is his birthday and he has promised Lucy, his wife, to help her with the preparations for the dinner party. Mertens insists that it is an important matter. When they meet in Mertens' office, Schneider is told that the target is Ramon Bax, a writer. He lives alone in a secluded place. "It's an easy job. With a little luck you're back home before noon. " Schneider accepts the assignment. What seems to be a simple job turns out to be more than expected.

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