Bloed, Zweet en Tranen (2015)
Watch Bloed, Zweet en Tranen - 2015 online streaming full movie in HD for free.
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Streaming Bloed, Zweet en Tranen (2015) full movie online HD free.
The Bloed, Zweet en Tranen was the movie in 2015 that's directed by Diederick Koopal.
This Drama movie was released on 2 Apr 2015 in the theater.
The Bloed, Zweet en Tranen movie starred by Martijn Fischer as André Hazes and also Hadewych Minis as Rachel Hazes.
Are you looking for place to watch full movies online without downloading? Here you can watch Bloed, Zweet en Tranen (2015). You can also stream and download new and old full movies online. Enjoy and relax streaming full Bloed, Zweet en Tranen movie in good quality online.
Bloed, Zweet en Tranen 2015 Detail / Info
Genre : Drama, Music
Duration : 111 min
Release Date : 2 Apr 2015
Rating : 7.5
Writer : Frank Ketelaar, Diederick Koopal (revisions)
Director : Diederick Koopal
Company :
Movie Casts :
Martijn Fischer as André Hazes, Hadewych Minis as Rachel Hazes,Fedja van Huêt as , Loek Peters as , Marcel Hensema as , as
The Synopsis / Storyline of Bloed, Zweet en Tranen
Bloed, Zweet en Tranen (Blood, Sweat and Tears) is a story about the life of Andre Hazes, a Dutch populair singer. This movie shows three crucial phases in the life of Hazes: his youth (60's), his breakthrough (80's) and the last year of his life (early '00).
The turbulent life story of the most famous folk singer the Netherlands has ever known: André Hazes.
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